Safety First, Quality Always.
Our commitment to safety stems from a personal choice, extending beyond mere formal compliance. Like a family, we watch out for one another every day—whether at home, in the office, or on our construction projects. Our unwavering dedication ensures that everyone returns home safely each night.
Leaders in Safety.
Acknowledged by industry bodies like the Associated General Contractors, Construction Users Roundtable, and the Associated Builders and Contractors, we are recognized as one of the safest companies in construction. Our leaders actively contribute to national and local safety committees, influencing industry policy and best practices.
Progressive Safety Initiatives.
Through innovative processes, checks and balances, and cutting-edge technology, we continually raise the safety bar. Combined with our acclaimed training programs, we empower our people and project partners to embrace a genuine safety culture based on people, not just statistics. This focus on safety not only enhances project outcomes but also results in reduced insurance and bonding costs.
Emphasis on
We view education as the cornerstone of an effective safety program, positioning us as one of the safest contractors nationally. Our commitment to continuous improvement has led to the implementation of some of the most progressive processes, systems, and programs in the industry. These include Incident and Injury Free (IFF) training sessions, robust job site requirements, supervisor certifications, innovative mobile SafetyNet audit systems, stretch/flex programs, and detailed hazard analyses before construction commences.